Our partners

Collaboration for innovation.

Meet our distinguished Partners driving innovation and excellence in cybersecurity, collectively shaping a safer digital future across various industries.
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Industry partners

Our industry partners provide the “Immersive Environment” in which the scholars will seek to identify user needs and generate new ideas for products and services which may form the basis of new cybersecurity start-ups.

Cyber Innovate are seeking new partners who may be interested in supporting the programme by providing access to “real world” cybersecurity problems that they would like solved. If your organisation is interested in participating in the programme, please select Join the Ecosystem.

Enterprise Ireland Tines NMCI MTU Mastercard SMBC ICBF Fexco Esentire DepuySynthess Dell Technologies McKesson

Innovation Partners

Cyber Innovate has partnered with the following internationally recognised cybersecurity innovation experts.

Georgia Tech VentureLab Cyber Ireland Alarcity foundation Commonwealth cyber initiative Cyber skills Hyb Arloessed

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