Securing a more innovative future

Cyber Innovate empowers the boldest and brightest entrepreneurs with the skills to launch tomorrow’s top cybersecurity startups.

Do you have what it takes to be a leader in digital defence?

MTU Cyber Innovate is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27

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Join a new generation of cybersecurity experts

Cyber Innovate is a needs-led entrepreneurship training programme built on MTU’s nationally acclaimed research, innovation, entrepreneurship and academic training ecosystem. Graduates will have the skills to launch high-potential startups and inspire the next wave of cybersecurity innovation. Cyber Innovate offers students a tax-free stipend of €38,000 for the 10-month programming thus easing the transition back to academia and nurturing a new generation of cybersecurity entrepreneurs.

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A decade of transformation

As digital transformation rapidly accelerates across all sectors, there’s an unprecedented need for visionary cybersecurity experts. Our programme focuses on IT, OT, and IoT/CPS domains — critical engines driving Industry 4.0. As cyber threats evolve beyond data breaches to target the very core of global infrastructure, there’s never been a more crucial time for groundbreaking entrepreneurs in cybersecurity.

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Meet the Cyber experts

Take a leap and invest in a more rewarding career path. Cyber Innovate invites the bold dreamers willing to dive back into learning to chase a vision.

Are you one of our cybersecurity pioneers of the future? Get in touch with us today to see how Cyber Innovate can redefine your potential.

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